"Shipshape and Bristol fashion"

This old saying isn’t heard much in today’s techno world,; however, it may still have a role to play. Though its use has been recorded as early as 1840 the term “shipshape” alone is about 200 years older. The term refers to the port of Bristol on the west coast of the UK which had  a very high tidal range (43 ft, the second highest in the world). Ships moored in this area would be left aground at low tide and, resting on their keels, would tip over dramatically to one side. Everything in the vessel had to be stowed away tidily, or tied down, to prevent chaos onboard and risk of damage to personnel and cargo.

Life’s flow can also be tidal. We move from highs to lows. It might be wise to get life’s key components “shipshape and Bristol fashion” in readiness for the next low water.

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